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Breath Takes: Fall/Winter 1998

Fall/Winter, 1998
Vol. 5, No. 1

This is a portion of the American Lung Association of Los Angeles County's 1998 Breath Takes. ?If you would like to receive a complete copy, please call the American Lung Association at
or (800) LUNG-USA.

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By Jeanne Polak-Recht, President, San Fernando Valley Audubon Society

The San Fernando Valley Audubon Society is dedicated to educating young people about birds and other wildlife, and was delighted to partner with the American Lung Association for BreathWalk '98. The survival of birds and other wildlife depends upon ample habitat, and the protection of the natural environment. The American Lung Association is dedicated to the quality of this environment, which includes improving the air outdoors and indoors for people. Thus we share a common goal: improving the environment for people as well as other living things. To meet these goals San Fernando Valley Audubon offers a wide range of programs to educate the community concerning the beauty and importance of our natural ecosystems.

San Fernando Valley Audubon offers bird walks for the public eight times every month. Expert birders who give talks about characteristics of birds and their habitat lead these walks. Bird walks are held in various birding spots throughout the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys. At our meetings held the first Friday of every month there is a colorful slide program featuring experts in travel, birding and photography. Meetings are held at the Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks Senior Citizen Center 5040 Van Nuys Boulevard in Sherman Oaks. All are welcome to attend. There is no admission fee.

One of the programs of which we are most proud is our Sepulveda Basin Education Program led by our able leader, Muriel Kotin which brings over 60 different classes from our public schools into the basin for a hands on science program conducted entirely outdoors with leaders from the San Fernando Valley Audubon.

If you would like to participate in one of these walks or join us for a fascinating program at one of our monthly meetings call (818) 347-3205 or punch us up on our web site:

(Updated 12/15/98)

When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters ?
The mission of the American Lung Association of Los Angeles County
is to prevent and eliminate lung disease
and to improve the quality of life and health of those with lung disease.
Your contributions to Christmas Seals? and Chanukah Seals? help make the difference.

For more information on lung health, programs, and special events,
call ? ? (or ? ; ? ; ?1-800-LUNG-USA), ? or send us email.
? 1999 American Lung Association of Los Angeles County

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