If you have asthma, you can still do anything you want to do! That's because you can learn how to manage your asthma.

Managing your asthma is very important. Always be honest with yourself, your parents and your doctor about how you feel.

One more time...here are the four steps that you can take to manage an asthma episode:

1. Know Your Asthma Warning Signs.
2. Tell an adult so someone can help you.
3. Take your asthma medicine.
4. Rest and relax by doing relaxation exercises.

This All About Asthma section was taken from the Open Airways for Schools curriculum materials. If you are a teacher or school nurse and would like to bring this program into your school, please click here to receive more information.


All about Asthma with Tim and Moby
Peakflow Meter - how does this thing work?